Our Providers

Brianna Wood, , <br>MSN, RN, FNP-BC</br>

Brianna Wood

Brianna Wood, MSN, RN, FNP-BC has been caring for children at Pediatric Healthcare Unlimited since 2019.  She earned her bachelors and masters at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Most of her nursing career has been spent providing for pediatric patients at several local hospitals including Ranken Jordan, St. Louis Children's Hospital, and most recently in the ER at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital.  She enjoys spending time with her husband and three children and volunteering in the childcare program at her church in Edwardsville.

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Pediatric Healthcare Unlimited https://pediatrichealthcareunlimited.com/getattachment/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/Pediatric-Healthcare-Unlimited.aspx
Poison Control: 800-222-1222